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Approximate Project Shipping Calculation
Project transportation is the transportation of cargo with non-standard dimensions from one departure point to another destination with special measures and special vehicles within the framework of a program. The reason why it is expensive is that the special cargo transport document fees proceed by closing the double lane as a team with the escort vehicle. The houses we have produced are non-standard and are high enough to be transported by normal trucks and trucks and are wide enough to cover two lanes.
The list below has been calculated with the offers received from 15 Project shipping companies operating in Turkey and the lowest price given by each company has been added to the list.
Plaka | Şehir | Fiyat |
01 | Adana | 65000 |
02 | Adıyaman | 85000 |
03 | Afyonkarahisar | 35000 |
04 | Ağrı | 130000 |
05 | Amasya | 75000 |
06 | Ankara | 40000 |
07 | Antalya | 40000 |
08 | Artvin | 140000 |
09 | Aydın | 15000 |
10 | Balıkesir | 25000 |
11 | Bilecik | 40000 |
12 | Bingöl | 110000 |
13 | Bitlis | 135000 |
14 | Bolu | 50000 |
15 | Burdur | 40000 |
16 | Bursa | 35000 |
17 | Çanakkale Anadolu Yakası | 45000 |
17 | Çanakkale Avrupa Yakası | 50000 |
18 | Çankırı | 55000 |
19 | Çorum | 80000 |
20 | Denizli | 30000 |
21 | Diyarbakır | 115000 |
22 | Edirne | 65000 |
23 | Elazığ | 85000 |
24 | Erzincan | 90000 |
25 | Erzurum | 150000 |
26 | Eskişehir | 40000 |
27 | Gaziantep | 80000 |
28 | Giresun | 95000 |
29 | Gümüşhane | 103000 |
30 | Hakkari | 160000 |
31 | Hatay | 70000 |
32 | Isparta | 40000 |
33 | Mersin | 65000 |
34 | İstanbul Anadolu Yakası | 40000 |
34 | İstanbul Avrupa Yakası | 55000 |
35 | İzmir | 0 |
36 | Kars | 170000 |
37 | Kastamonu | 65000 |
38 | Kayseri | 60000 |
39 | Kırklareli | 53000 |
40 | Kırşehir | 55000 |
41 | Kocaeli | 35000 |
42 | Konya | 45000 |
43 | Kütahya | 30000 |
44 | Malatya | 90000 |
45 | Manisa | 10000 |
46 | Kahramanmaraş | 75000 |
47 | Mardin | 110000 |
48 | Muğla | 30000 |
49 | Muş | 125000 |
50 | Nevşehir | 57000 |
51 | Niğde | 55000 |
52 | Ordu | 90000 |
53 | Rize | 140000 |
54 | Sakarya | 40000 |
55 | Samsun | 70000 |
56 | Siirt | 135000 |
57 | Sinop | 80000 |
58 | Sivas | 80000 |
59 | Tekirdağ | 55000 |
60 | Tokat | 73000 |
61 | Trabzon | 100000 |
62 | Tunceli | 140000 |
63 | Şanlıurfa | 80000 |
64 | Uşak | 25000 |
65 | Van | 145000 |
66 | Yozgat | 75000 |
67 | Zonguldak | 55000 |
68 | Aksaray | 55000 |
69 | Bayburt | 112000 |
70 | Karaman | 55000 |
71 | Kırıkkale | 45000 |
72 | Batman | 125000 |
73 | Şırnak | 123000 |
74 | Bartın | 62000 |
75 | Ardahan | 160000 |
76 | Iğdır | 160000 |
77 | Yalova | 35000 |
78 | Karabük | 60000 |
79 | Kilis | 75000 |
80 | Osmaniye | 63000 |
81 | Düzce | 45000 |
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